Thursday, December 3, 2015


Elllooo! I've been so slack lately but I still manage to finish the tasks given by lecturers. It's study break now! Wish me luck kay because I'm taking my resit subject this semester. Can't wait can't wait for graduation. I wanna leave this s*ck place. Not that s*ck thou but I'm really sicked. lololollll! I am grateful and lucky to have great people around me. Phewww I just can't hold my tears for all the stressful thingy. FML aihhhs.

Anniversary was in last month. Guess what it's the 7th year together hahh! Feel grateful for still having you with me. It is NOT EASY to make it till now. Looking forward to our many many 7 years! *Momoda* HAHA

These are my kids, from the TITAS class. It's fated to have them as my members, thanks them for lending me their hands although I did hell lotsa tasks by my own. Finally everything is over, say byebye and all the best to all these kids. ♥

Sometimes I feel awkward when people ask about graduation. It is somehow awkward to tell that I will be extending my studies. So shameful lolololll. I lost my preoccupation on my studies but finally something brings me back to my origin. Both of my MPU subjects. They made me feel like I'm back to diploma especially Presentation skills class. 'Coz it's my favourite English subjects. 

Nothing much to say, followed by photo of us during his convocation. 


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